Overall, educating yourself about investing involves reviewing instructional materials, such as online videos or courses, articles, and eBooks. Many also participate in webinars or workshops and join forums to discuss relevant investment-related topics.
More and more people are making an effort to learn about investments before exploring this complex world because there are many things to understand in order to be fully prepared to take your first steps.
Fortunately, many investment education firms that have identified this need have started offering those educational resources people need to expand their investment knowledge.
It's important to note that education will only help you understand how investments work and learn about events that could affect your investments. Learning about the fundamentals of this practice means you'll be prepared to handle everything it involves.
However, education won't mitigate risks or guarantee that you'll get specific results. As mentioned, the investment world is complex and volatile, so you'll always have to deal with the risk of possible losses, even after you become an expert.